TeleHealth Monitoring Mobile App Solution

Hicare M?
HICARE M is a healthcare mobile application that would be installed On smart devices. It is a mobile platform software package of supplying telemedicine service, which can measure individual’s health status such as blood pressure, weight, oxygen saturation, blood glucose, temperature and cholesterol by using this app together with integrated devices.
HICARE M Key Features

Healthcare at your fingertips
- Healthcare Mobile app for smart phones and tablets (The tablet version is scheduled to be released in 2021.)
- Vital sign measurement and transfer it automatically
- Able to take a photo of customer condition and send it

Ask a Doctor From Anywhere & Anytime
- Rich and flexible service for a variety of places
- video chat for consultation

Tap Tap to Pair Phone via Bluetooth
- Basic measurement : Blood pressure, oxygen saturation, blood glucose, temperature and cholesterol
- Bluetooth 2.0/4.0(BLE)
HICARE M Specification
- Model Name Hicare M
Device Support
All Android 5.0+ devices are available.
Supports development in both horizontal and vertical mode and each Device size
HICARE M Application

What is Appointment?
If Medical staff required video consultation to patients(User), patients can check reservation date & time.

What is Video Chat?
Regardless of where you are, You can consult with your healthcare professional or Doctor in real-time.

What is MyChart?
You can check and manage your measurement data in tables or graphs.

What is Measurement?
Connect and measure up to 5 of your most frequently used devices.

What is Messages?
You can receive messages from the medical staff and reply to them.